Congratulations on wanting to work with the Leading Leveraged Equities Lender In the World

We offer one of the finest global opportunities in the industry.  You can hold your head high working with SCG.

Get to instantly know SCG better today!

Here are just some of the benefits our people on our global team realize:

  • 10+ Years of Honesty & Integrity!

  • You Can Depend We Will Close Transactions that We Deliver Terms On.

  • You Can Depend On Being Paid By Wire the Day of the Closing.

  • You Can Depend on You and Your Clients, Always Being  Treated With Respect!

  • Advanced Global Media & Training Center Access – Free of Charge!

  • We Provide You with Product Training.

  • We Provide You with Sales Training.

  • We Provide You with Advanced Sales Tools Nobody in the Industry Has!

  • We Provide You with Marketing Training.

  • We Provide You with Decamillionaire Training.

  • We Provide You with a Turn-Key Plug and Play System to Attain Fantastic Success!

  • We Provide You with the Opportunity to Earn 7 Figures a Year!

Get Started with SCG Today!

Have ever spoken or received any information from anybody from SCG before?

I have never been attempted to be recruited before by any person associated to SCG and this is my first time applying to SCG. Saying you confirm and later we find out you misrepresented this is grounds for dismissal. We have a strict code of conduct at SCG. If you were already engaged, working in the past with SCG or working with any SCG team member please disclose all details below in the message area for further consideration. We will run a database check on your submission today.

3 + 6 =

Stone Creek Global 10+ Years of Honesty and Integrity


✔HOW SCG CAN HELP YOU IN 19 WORDS: ❝You will instantly Gain access to Money & Liquidity fast, privately, easily and cheaply using your publicly traded stock/securities.❞ Ponder this…as an expert, we have helped people like you fulfill unlimited amounts of money. Get liquidity for any purpose using your securities, reduce concentrated risk exposure and solve complex puzzles to permit you to instantly achieve your life goals.

Almost all Major Worldwide Stock Exchanges are accepted as well as borrowers from around the globe are helped too.


1) Penny stock/Emerging Growth stock priced under $1.00 with normal trading volume

2) Non-Marginable stock priced $1.00 to $5.00 with normal trading volume

3) Marginable stock priced $5.00+ with normal trading volume

☑ NO Personal Guarantee!
☑ NO Credit Review!
☑ NO Personal Income!
☑ NO Personal Tax Returns required!
☑ NO Business Income and NO Business Tax returns required to get a loan!
☑ You reap 100% of all the rewards of any appreciation and dividends!
☑ We can loan you up to 80% of the value of your securities with no recourse!
☑ Low Fixed Interest Rate

Eligible securities include stocks, penny stocks and ETF’s and other marketable securities. We lend against securities traded on most exchanges.

Now you can PROTECT your stock portfolio and GET CASH with our non-recourse stock loan or other structures.

Here are the 10 major benefits for you, the borrower, of our non-recourse loan

1) You are not personally liable for the loan.

2) You are not personally guaranteeing the loan, so you may not be required to disclose to others, for privacy many borrowers prefer this feature benefit.

3) You will have a clean personal balance sheet that leaves room for other refinancing and acquisition financing opportunities and can make borrowers more attractive to lenders.

4) SCG has no recourse against you  – SCG cannot go after you personally if SCG sustains a huge loss of money on your loan, SCG takes the loss and all the risk, you are not at risk of repaying any losses from a sudden collapse in the price of the securities pledged for your loan.

5) SCG’s loan structure provides access to you to ongoing sources of capital with other financial companies because SCG’s loan is non-recourse.

6) You can walk away from the loan, the day after the loan is funded and not be liable for any future interest payments or principal repayment with SCG’s non-recourse loan.

7) Your personal Credit, financials, income, tax returns do not come into consideration with a non-recourse loan.

8) In the case of a default, SCG can only seize the collateral pledged for the loan and cannot go after any of your other personal assets.  You are safer with a non-recourse loan and have more options and security than a recourse bank loan or a margin loan.

9) You do not have to disclose liability on financials, partners, or other financial lenders due to the fact that you are not obligated to pay back the loan and for you this maybe a major benefit why you want this structure for privacy and so it does not impact your personal financial statement.

10) You have less risk and you do not have a forced obligation for a balloon payment so if in the future… you lack money then you can easily decide to walk where with a recourse balloon payment loan with a bank or brokerage you would be forced to pay it off risking all your other personal assets.

When you, as a borrower, take out a large recourse loan with a financial brokerage or bank you put everything you own at risk if the collateral collapses.  Our non-recourse loan is a huge benefit for you as you are able to enjoy all the benefits of a non-recourse loan while also offering you benefits of realizing upside appreciation if your collateral increases in value.

We are not legal or tax advisors.  All 10 of these benefits are at the direction of your legal and tax advisors.  You should always consult your legal and tax advisor for specific advice on any loan considered.

International stock loans and share loans are offered for our global clients in North America, Asia, Europe Share Financing, Middle East, Central America, South America and Africa. The above details on stock loans and security loans available are a general overview. Please refer to terms in Terms/Closing documents for specific terms applicable to you.