Congratulations on working with the Leading Leveraged Equities Lender In the World
Uncover your next steps and the process of funding your Leveraged Equity Loan with SCG so you can accomplish the goals and dreams you want with the money you receive from SCG.

Today we will go over the process to fund your loan, so as to… naturally allow you to instantly create greater security for you and in your family’s life.
The President & CBDO of SCG will uncover the funding process as they immediately answer in Q&A format the most requested questions from borrowers, like you, from all around the world. Discover the answers to all your questions right now.
Get Your Answers in Our Q&A
What is the funding timing from the time the client gets back their term sheet?
Does SCG share references with clients?
Will SCG share its financial data with borrowers?
What are the advantages of fixed rates?
What are the dividends and voting rights of a client?
What is a Prepayment lockout, how does it work?
Can the client extend the loan at the end of the term or pay it off?
What are the repayment options?
Does SCG have capital to fund my loan or is SCG resorting to selling shares to fund the loan as other quasi lenders do?
Does SCG sell the shares?
How does SCG’s process differ from the other quasi lenders?
Does SCG go short or in any way attempt to harm the stock?
You should be getting your new loan terms shortly from SCG. Please refer to your Terms/Closing documents for specific terms applicable to you. We are not legal or tax advisors. You should always consult your legal and tax advisor for specific advice on any loan considered.
Get Your Answers in Our Q&A
Can SCG discuss the dangerous practices of other lenders?
Does SCG hedge its risk and how does it manage its huge risk on my loan?
Does the client receive all appreciation or is capped?
Is it SCG’s intention to redeliver the same exact number of shares back to the borrower as the borrower delivered originally to SCG?
Has SCG ever not returned shares to any borrower over all the years SCG has been doing loans across the world?
Can the client access additional equity during the time of the loan?
When does the client get their money?
How does SCG fund differently than the other quasi lenders?
Tranches how are they closed what is the procedures and the timeline?
What is the maximum funding SCG can do on a single tranche?
Stone Creek Global 10+ Years of Honesty and Integrity
✔HOW SCG CAN HELP YOU IN 19 WORDS: ❝You will instantly Gain access to Money & Liquidity fast, privately, easily and cheaply using your publicly traded stock/securities.❞ Ponder this…as an expert, we have helped people like you fulfill unlimited amounts of money for nearly two decades. Get liquidity for any purpose using your securities, reduce concentrated risk exposure and solve complex puzzles to permit you to instantly achieve your life goals.
Almost all Major Worldwide Stock Exchanges are accepted as well as borrowers from around the globe are helped too.
1) Penny stock/Emerging Growth stock priced under $1.00 with normal trading volume
2) Non-Marginable stock priced $1.00 to $5.00 with normal trading volume
3) Marginable stock priced $5.00+ with normal trading volume
☑ NO Personal Guarantee!
☑ NO Credit Review!
☑ NO Personal Income!
☑ NO Personal Tax Returns required!
☑ NO Business Income and NO Business Tax returns required to get a loan!
☑ You reap 100% of all the rewards of any appreciation and dividends!
☑ We can loan you up to 80% of the value of your securities with no recourse!
☑ Low Fixed Interest Rate
Eligible securities include stocks, penny stocks and ETF’s and other marketable securities. We lend against securities traded on most exchanges.
Now you can PROTECT your stock portfolio and GET CASH with our non-recourse stock loan or other structures.
Here are the 10 major benefits for you, the borrower, of our non-recourse loan
1) You are not personally liable for the loan.
2) You are not personally guaranteeing the loan, so you may not be required to disclose to others, for privacy many borrowers prefer this feature benefit.
3) You will have a clean personal balance sheet that leaves room for other refinancing and acquisition financing opportunities and can make borrowers more attractive to lenders.
4) SCG has no recourse against you – SCG cannot go after you personally if SCG sustains a huge loss of money on your loan, SCG takes the loss and all the risk, you are not at risk of repaying any losses from a sudden collapse in the price of the securities pledged for your loan.
5) SCG’s loan structure provides access to you to ongoing sources of capital with other financial companies because SCG’s loan is non-recourse.
6) You can walk away from the loan, the day after the loan is funded and not be liable for any future interest payments or principal repayment with SCG’s non-recourse loan.
7) Your personal Credit, financials, income, tax returns do not come into consideration with a non-recourse loan.
8) In the case of a default, SCG can only seize the collateral pledged for the loan and cannot go after any of your other personal assets. You are safer with a non-recourse loan and have more options and security than a recourse bank loan or a margin loan.
9) You do not have to disclose liability on financials, partners, or other financial lenders due to the fact that you are not obligated to pay back the loan and for you this maybe a major benefit why you want this structure for privacy and so it does not impact your personal financial statement.
10) You have less risk and you do not have a forced obligation for a balloon payment so if in the future… you lack money then you can easily decide to walk where with a recourse balloon payment loan with a bank or brokerage you would be forced to pay it off risking all your other personal assets.
When you, as a borrower, take out a large recourse loan with a financial brokerage or bank you put everything you own at risk if the collateral collapses. Our non-recourse loan is a huge benefit for you as you are able to enjoy all the benefits of a non-recourse loan while also offering you benefits of realizing upside appreciation if your collateral increases in value.
We are not legal or tax advisors. All 10 of these benefits are at the direction of your legal and tax advisors. You should always consult your legal and tax advisor for specific advice on any loan considered.
International stock loans and share loans are offered for our global clients in North America, Asia, Europe Share Financing, Middle East, Central America, South America and Africa. The above details on stock loans and security loans available are a general overview. Please refer to terms in Terms/Closing documents for specific terms applicable to you.